math.randomseed( os.time() ) dofile("vectorMath.lua") -- copy from global namespace local vectorMath, video, math = _vectorMath, video, math local d45 = math.cos(math.pi * .25) local circleSprite, blockSprite, tankNode, light, myPhysics local cameraPosition = { x = 0, y = 0, z = -9.5 } local cameraTarget = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 } local testMaterial = { texture = "daisyMoon/speckle.jpg", lighting = true, zbuffer = true, zwrite = true, clockwiseCull = false, materialType = 0, } local transparentMaterial = { texture = "daisyMoon/speckle.jpg", lighting = true, zbuffer = true, zwrite = false, clockwiseCull = false, materialType = 11, } local chain = {} local obstacles = {} local items = {} local transparent = {} local gameData = { selectedLink = nil, lastSelectedLink = nil, gameOver = 0, } local function positionOnZedPlane(x, y) local sx, sy, sz, ex, ey, ez = video.getCameraRay(x, y) -- calculate collision with Z plane local x = sx - ((ex - sx) * sz) / (ez - sz) local y = sy - ((ey - sy) * sz) / (ez - sz) return x, y end local function createBevel(width, height, depth) -- front local fx1, fx2, fy1, fy2, fz = -width + depth, width - depth, -height + depth, height - depth, -depth local bevel = { -- front -- left -- right -- bottom -- top x = { fx1, fx1, fx2, fx2, -width, -width, fx1, fx1, fx2, fx2, width, width, -width, fx1, fx2, width, fx1, -width, width, fx2 }, y = { fy1, fy2, fy2, fy1, -height, height, fy2, fy1, fy1, fy2, height, -height, -height, fy1, fy1, -height, fy2, height, height, fy2 }, z = { fz, fz, fz, fz, 0, 0, fz, fz, fz, fz, 0, 0, 0, fz, fz, 0, fz, 0, 0, fz }, nx = { 0, 0, 0, 0, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, d45, d45, d45, d45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, ny = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, d45, d45, d45, d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45 }, nz = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45 }, u = {0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 }, v = {0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 }, i = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 16, 18, 19 }, tris = 10, verts = 20, physX = { -width, -width, width, width }, physY = { height, -height, -height, height }, } return bevel end local function transformBevel(bevel, formX, formY, formCX1, formCY1, formCX2, formCY2) local copy = { -- copy references to tables that aren't modified z = bevel.z, nz =, u = bevel.u, v = bevel.v, i = bevel.i, tris = bevel.tris, verts = bevel.verts } -- transform x and y copy.x, copy.y = {}, {} copy.nx, copy.ny = {}, {} for i=1,bevel.verts do copy.x[i], copy.y[i] = vectorMath.xFormMultiply(formX, formY, formCX1, formCY1, formCX2, formCY2, bevel.x[i], bevel.y[i]) copy.nx[i], copy.ny[i] = vectorMath.xFormMultiply(0, 0, -formCX1, -formCY1, -formCX2, -formCY2, -bevel.nx[i], bevel.ny[i]) end --copy.nx, copy.ny = bevel.nx, bevel.ny return copy end local function createTransparent(x, y, w, h, d) local o = {} o.bevel = createBevel(w * .5, h * .5, d) o.body = myPhysics:createEntity({}, x, y) myPhysics:addBoxShape(o.body, { x = 0, y = 0, width = w, height = h, density = 10, isSensor = true }) myPhysics:activateEntity(o.body) table.insert(transparent, o) return o end local chargeCounter = 1 local function createObstacle(x, y, w, h, d, isCharger) local o = {} o.bevel = createBevel(w * .5, h * .5, d) o.body = myPhysics:createEntity({}, x, y) myPhysics:addBoxShape(o.body, { x = 0, y = 0, width = w, height = h, density = 10 }) if isCharger then o.isCharger = true o.chargeTimer = -10 + math.random() * -15 if chargeCounter == 1 then o.chargeTimer = 0 end o.chargeOverlay = createTransparent(x, y, w + 3.5, h + 3.5, d + .1) o.chargeSound = "warning" .. chargeCounter .. ".wav" chargeCounter = chargeCounter + 1 if chargeCounter > 4 then chargeCounter = 1 end end table.insert(obstacles, o) return o end local function createItem(x, y) local i = {} i.bevel = createBevel(.25, .25, .1) i.body = myPhysics:createEntity({linearDamping = 1, angularDamping = 1}, x, y) myPhysics:addBoxShape(i.body, { x = 0, y = 0, width = .5, height = .5, density = .5, userData = "item_" .. #items }) myPhysics:setEntityAngle(i.body, math.random() * 2.0 * math.pi) myPhysics:activateEntity(i.body) table.insert(items, i) return i end local function gameInit() --video.setScreenSize(1280, 960) circleSprite = video.createSpriteState("Circle", "itt.dat") blockSprite = video.createSpriteState("Square", "itt.dat") --tankNode = video.createSceneNode("tank.obj", "tex.tga", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1) video.setCameraPosition(cameraPosition.x, cameraPosition.y, cameraPosition.z) video.setCameraViewPosition(cameraTarget.x, cameraTarget.y, cameraTarget.z) --video.setCameraUpVector(0, 0, -1) light = video.createLightSceneNode(0, 0, -3, 6) tankNode = video.createSceneNode("120poly.obj", "speckle.jpg", 4, 1, 37.5, 0, 0, 0, .5, .5, .5) myPhysics = Physics(-1000, -1000, 1000, 1000, 0, 0) local bodyDef = { linearDamping = 20, angularDamping = 20, fixedRotation = false, isBullet = false } local startY = -5.5 chain.links = {} for i=1,1 do chain.links[i] = {} chain.links[i].bevel = createBevel(.25, 1.5, .1) chain.links[i].body = myPhysics:createEntity(bodyDef, 0, startY + (i-1) * -1) myPhysics:addBoxShape(chain.links[i].body, { x = 0, y = 0, width = .5, height = 3, density = 5, friction = .1, restitution = 1 }) myPhysics:activateEntity(chain.links[i].body) if i > 1 then -- link with previous piece -- 1: Create a body between the pieces local shapeA = myPhysics:createEntity(bodyDef, 0, startY + (i-2) * -1 - .5) myPhysics:addBoxShape(shapeA, {x = 0, y = 0, width = .2, height = .6, density = 1, userData = "player"}) myPhysics:activateEntity(shapeA) -- 2: Attach the shape to the previous piece myPhysics:createRevoluteJoint(shapeA, chain.links[i-1].body, 0, startY + (i-2) * -1 - .5 + .3, {enableLimit = true, lowerAngle = math.pi * -.1, upperAngle = math.pi * .1}) myPhysics:createRevoluteJoint(shapeA, chain.links[i].body, 0, startY + (i-2) * -1 - .5 - .3, {enableLimit = true, lowerAngle = math.pi * -.1, upperAngle = math.pi * .1}) end end local o = createObstacle(-4, 2.5, 2, 3, .3) myPhysics:setEntityAngle(o.body, math.pi * .3) createObstacle(-4, -2, 2, 3, .29) createObstacle(4, -5, 2, 6, .29) createObstacle(4, 2.5, 2, 3, .3) createObstacle(0, 0, 3, 2, .3) createObstacle(4, 2.5, 1.5, 1.5, .4, true) createObstacle(4, -3, 1.5, 1.5, .4, true) o = createObstacle(-4, 2.5, 1.5, 1.5, .4, true) myPhysics:setEntityAngle(o.body, math.pi * .3) createObstacle(-4, -2, 1.5, 1.5, .4, true) createObstacle(-8.5, 0, 2, 11, .3) createObstacle(0, 6.5, 19, 2, .3) createObstacle(8.5, 0, 2, 11, .3) createObstacle(-4.5, -18, 8.5, 25, .3) createObstacle(4.5, -18, 8.5, 25, .3) --createTransparent(4, -3, 5.5, 5.5, .45) --createTransparent(-4, 2.5, 5.5, 5.5, .45) --createTransparent(-4, -2, 5.5, 5.5, .45) --createTransparent(4, 2.5, 5.5, 5.5, .45) for i=1,30 do createItem(math.random() * 12 - 6, math.random() * 8 - 4) end --[[ local grid = { { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 }, { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, } local gridSize = 2 for y=1,#grid do for x=1,#grid[y] do if grid[y][x] > 0 then createObstacle(-(gridSize * 5.5) + x * gridSize, -2 + (gridSize * #grid) - y * gridSize, gridSize, gridSize, .2) end end end ]] end hook.add("gameInit", gameInit) local cameraTime = 0 local function gameUpdate(time) --local w,h = video.getScreenSize() if time > .06 then time = .06 end cameraTime = cameraTime + time video.setSceneNodeRotation(tankNode, cameraTime * math.pi * .038, cameraTime * math.pi * .338, cameraTime * math.pi) --cameraPosition.x = math.cos(cameraTime) * 3 --video.setCameraPosition(cameraPosition.x, cameraPosition.y, cameraPosition.z) --video.setSceneNodePosition(light, cameraPosition.x, cameraPosition.y, cameraPosition.z) myPhysics:update(time, 10) if daisy.isMouseButtonPressed(0) and gameData.gameOver == 0 then local mx, my = daisy.getMousePosition() local wx, wy = positionOnZedPlane(mx, my) if gameData.selectedLink then -- pull link based on delta distance local cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2 = myPhysics:getEntityXForm(gameData.selectedLink.body) --gameData.startWX, gameData.startWY = wx, wy local localX, localY = vectorMath.xFormMultiply(cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2, gameData.startX, gameData.startY) local dx, dy = (wx - localX), (wy - localY) local diff = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) if diff > 0 then dx = dx / diff dy = dy / diff myPhysics:applyEntityForce(gameData.selectedLink.body, localX, localY, dx * 700, dy * 700) end else for i=1,#chain.links do local cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2 = myPhysics:getEntityXForm(chain.links[i].body) local xCoords, yCoords = {}, {} for v=1,#chain.links[i].bevel.physX do xCoords[v], yCoords[v] = vectorMath.xFormMultiply(cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2, chain.links[i].bevel.physX[v], chain.links[i].bevel.physY[v]) end chain.links[i].isPointInside = true for v=1,4 do local u = v + 1 if u > 4 then u = 1 end -- vector from v to u local dx, dy = xCoords[u] - xCoords[v], yCoords[u] - yCoords[v] -- vector from v to position local tx, ty = wx - xCoords[v], wy - yCoords[v] if vectorMath.cross22(dx, dy, tx, ty) < 0 then chain.links[i].isPointInside = false end end if chain.links[i].isPointInside then gameData.selectedLink = chain.links[i] gameData.startX, gameData.startY = vectorMath.xFormInvert(cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2, wx, wy) gameData.startWX, gameData.startWY = wx, wy end end end else if gameData.selectedLink then gameData.selectedLink.isPointInside = false end gameData.selectedLink = nil end do if gameData.selectedLink then --gameData.lastSelectedLink = gameData.selectedLink end if not gameData.lastSelectedLink then gameData.lastSelectedLink = chain.links[1] end local cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2 = myPhysics:getEntityXForm(gameData.lastSelectedLink.body) video.setSceneNodePosition(light, cx, cy, -2) local px, py = cx, cy for index, item in ipairs(items) do cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2 = myPhysics:getEntityXForm(item.body) -- attempt to avoid the player! local dx, dy = px - cx, py - cy local diff = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) item.runAwayTimer = item.runAwayTimer or 0 item.runAwayTimer = item.runAwayTimer + time if item.runAwayTimer > 3 then item.runLeft = not item.runLeft item.runAwayTimer = math.random() end if diff < 3 then dx = dx / diff dy = dy / diff -- rotate 90 degrees local temp = dx dx = -dy dy = temp local run = 2 if item.runLeft then run = -2 end myPhysics:applyEntityForce(item.body, cx, cy, dx * run, dy * run) else dx = 2 * dx / diff dy = 2 * dy / diff myPhysics:applyEntityForce(item.body, cx, cy, -dx, -dy) end end local impacts = myPhysics:getEntityCollisions(gameData.lastSelectedLink.body) if impacts then for i=1,#impacts do if impacts[i].impulse > 1 then --print("impact " .. impacts[i].impulse) local found = false -- locate if it was an item we hit for index, item in ipairs(items) do if item.body == impacts[i].id then --print("killed item") audio.playSound("death.wav") myPhysics:deleteEntity(item.body) table.remove(items, index) found = true break end end if not found then if impacts[i].impulse > 30 then audio.playSound("collide" .. math.random(1,3) .. ".wav") end end end end end local playerSensors = myPhysics:getEntitySensorPoints(gameData.lastSelectedLink.body) if playerSensors then for s=1,#playerSensors do for index, obstacle in ipairs(transparent) do if obstacle.body == playerSensors[s].id and obstacle.activeTimer and obstacle.activeTimer > 0 then --print("hit by sensor") gameData.gameOver = 2 end end end end end if gameData.gameOver == 0 then for index, obstacle in ipairs(obstacles) do if obstacle.isCharger then obstacle.chargeTimer = obstacle.chargeTimer + time * 2 local prevFlash = obstacle.doFlash obstacle.doFlash = obstacle.chargeTimer > 0 and math.sin(obstacle.chargeTimer * obstacle.chargeTimer) > .8 if not prevFlash and obstacle.doFlash then audio.playSound(obstacle.chargeSound, .2 + obstacle.chargeTimer / 20, 0, .5 + obstacle.chargeTimer / 15) end if obstacle.chargeTimer > 15 then obstacle.chargeTimer = -math.random() * 20 obstacle.chargeOverlay.activeTimer = 1 audio.playSound("explosion1.wav", .6) end end end end for index, obstacle in ipairs(transparent) do obstacle.rotationTimer = obstacle.rotationTimer or 0 obstacle.rotationTimer = obstacle.rotationTimer + time * 10 myPhysics:setEntityAngle(obstacle.body, obstacle.rotationTimer) if obstacle.activeTimer and obstacle.activeTimer > 0 then obstacle.activeTimer = obstacle.activeTimer - time end end if #items == 0 and gameData.gameOver == 0 then gameData.gameOver = 1 end end hook.add("frameUpdate", gameUpdate) local bgGrid = { x = { -.1, -.1, 0, 0, .1, .1, 0, 0 }, y = { -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1 }, z = { .1, .1, 0, 0, .1, .1, 0, 0 }, nx = { -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, d45, d45, d45, d45 }, ny = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, nz = { -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45, -d45 }, u = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 }, v = { 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 }, i = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7 }, tris = 4, verts = 8, } do -- generate bg grid local v = 1 local i = 1 local zOff = 0 for yCount=1,5 do local y = 6 - yCount * 2 for xCount=1,7 do local x = -8 + xCount * 2 -- create back and front bgGrid.x[v + 0] = x - .1 bgGrid.x[v + 1] = x - .1 bgGrid.x[v + 2] = x bgGrid.x[v + 3] = x bgGrid.x[v + 4] = x + .1 bgGrid.x[v + 5] = x + .1 bgGrid.x[v + 6] = x bgGrid.x[v + 7] = x bgGrid.y[v + 0] = y - 1 bgGrid.y[v + 1] = y + 1 bgGrid.y[v + 2] = y + 1 bgGrid.y[v + 3] = y - 1 bgGrid.y[v + 4] = y + 1 bgGrid.y[v + 5] = y - 1 bgGrid.y[v + 6] = y - 1 bgGrid.y[v + 7] = y + 1 bgGrid.z[v + 0] = .1 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 1] = .1 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 2] = 0 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 3] = 0 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 4] = .1 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 5] = .1 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 6] = 0 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 7] = 0 + zOff bgGrid.nx[v + 0] = -d45 bgGrid.nx[v + 1] = -d45 bgGrid.nx[v + 2] = -d45 bgGrid.nx[v + 3] = -d45 bgGrid.nx[v + 4] = d45 bgGrid.nx[v + 5] = d45 bgGrid.nx[v + 6] = d45 bgGrid.nx[v + 7] = d45 bgGrid.ny[v + 0] = 0 bgGrid.ny[v + 1] = 0 bgGrid.ny[v + 2] = 0 bgGrid.ny[v + 3] = 0 bgGrid.ny[v + 4] = 0 bgGrid.ny[v + 5] = 0 bgGrid.ny[v + 6] = 0 bgGrid.ny[v + 7] = 0[v + 0] = -d45[v + 1] = -d45[v + 2] = -d45[v + 3] = -d45[v + 4] = -d45[v + 5] = -d45[v + 6] = -d45[v + 7] = -d45 bgGrid.u[v + 0] = 0 bgGrid.u[v + 1] = 0 bgGrid.u[v + 2] = 1 bgGrid.u[v + 3] = 1 bgGrid.u[v + 4] = 0 bgGrid.u[v + 5] = 0 bgGrid.u[v + 6] = 1 bgGrid.u[v + 7] = 1 bgGrid.v[v + 0] = 0 bgGrid.v[v + 1] = 1 bgGrid.v[v + 2] = 1 bgGrid.v[v + 3] = 0 bgGrid.v[v + 4] = 0 bgGrid.v[v + 5] = 1 bgGrid.v[v + 6] = 1 bgGrid.v[v + 7] = 0 bgGrid.i[i + 0] = v + 0 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 1] = v + 1 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 2] = v + 2 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 3] = v + 0 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 4] = v + 2 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 5] = v + 3 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 6] = v + 4 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 7] = v + 5 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 8] = v + 6 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 9] = v + 4 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 10] = v + 6 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 11] = v + 7 - 1 v = v + 8 i = i + 12 -- create top and bottom bgGrid.x[v + 0] = x - 1 bgGrid.x[v + 1] = x + 1 bgGrid.x[v + 2] = x + 1 bgGrid.x[v + 3] = x - 1 bgGrid.x[v + 4] = x - 1 bgGrid.x[v + 5] = x + 1 bgGrid.x[v + 6] = x + 1 bgGrid.x[v + 7] = x - 1 bgGrid.y[v + 0] = y + .1 bgGrid.y[v + 1] = y + .1 bgGrid.y[v + 2] = y bgGrid.y[v + 3] = y bgGrid.y[v + 4] = y bgGrid.y[v + 5] = y bgGrid.y[v + 6] = y - .1 bgGrid.y[v + 7] = y - .1 bgGrid.z[v + 0] = .1 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 1] = .1 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 2] = 0 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 3] = 0 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 4] = 0 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 5] = 0 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 6] = .1 + zOff bgGrid.z[v + 7] = .1 + zOff bgGrid.nx[v + 0] = 0 bgGrid.nx[v + 1] = 0 bgGrid.nx[v + 2] = 0 bgGrid.nx[v + 3] = 0 bgGrid.nx[v + 4] = 0 bgGrid.nx[v + 5] = 0 bgGrid.nx[v + 6] = 0 bgGrid.nx[v + 7] = 0 bgGrid.ny[v + 0] = d45 bgGrid.ny[v + 1] = d45 bgGrid.ny[v + 2] = d45 bgGrid.ny[v + 3] = d45 bgGrid.ny[v + 4] = -d45 bgGrid.ny[v + 5] = -d45 bgGrid.ny[v + 6] = -d45 bgGrid.ny[v + 7] = -d45[v + 0] = -d45[v + 1] = -d45[v + 2] = -d45[v + 3] = -d45[v + 4] = -d45[v + 5] = -d45[v + 6] = -d45[v + 7] = -d45 bgGrid.u[v + 0] = 0 bgGrid.u[v + 1] = 0 bgGrid.u[v + 2] = 1 bgGrid.u[v + 3] = 1 bgGrid.u[v + 4] = 0 bgGrid.u[v + 5] = 0 bgGrid.u[v + 6] = 1 bgGrid.u[v + 7] = 1 bgGrid.v[v + 0] = 0 bgGrid.v[v + 1] = 1 bgGrid.v[v + 2] = 1 bgGrid.v[v + 3] = 0 bgGrid.v[v + 4] = 0 bgGrid.v[v + 5] = 1 bgGrid.v[v + 6] = 1 bgGrid.v[v + 7] = 0 bgGrid.i[i + 0] = v + 0 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 1] = v + 1 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 2] = v + 2 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 3] = v + 0 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 4] = v + 2 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 5] = v + 3 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 6] = v + 4 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 7] = v + 5 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 8] = v + 6 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 9] = v + 4 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 10] = v + 6 - 1 bgGrid.i[i + 11] = v + 7 - 1 v = v + 8 i = i + 12 end end bgGrid.verts = v - 1 bgGrid.tris = bgGrid.verts / 2 end local function render() local w,h = video.getScreenSize() video.setMaterial(testMaterial) do local a, r, g, b = {}, {}, {}, {} local intensity = 200 + math.floor(55 * math.random()) for v=1,bgGrid.verts do a[v] = 255 r[v] = intensity g[v] = 128 b[v] = 128 end video.renderTriangleListWithNormals( bgGrid.verts, bgGrid.tris, bgGrid.i, bgGrid.x, bgGrid.y, bgGrid.z, bgGrid.nx, bgGrid.ny,, bgGrid.u, bgGrid.v, a, r, g, b ) end for i=1,#chain.links do local cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2 = myPhysics:getEntityXForm(chain.links[i].body) local bevel = transformBevel(chain.links[i].bevel, cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2) local a, r, g, b = {}, {}, {}, {} local intensity = 200 + math.floor(55 * math.random()) for v=1,bevel.verts do a[v] = 255 --if chain.links[i].isPointInside then -- r[v] = 0 -- g[v] = intensity -- b[v] = 0 --else r[v] = intensity g[v] = intensity b[v] = intensity --end end video.renderTriangleListWithNormals( bevel.verts, bevel.tris, bevel.i, bevel.x, bevel.y, bevel.z, bevel.nx, bevel.ny,, bevel.u, bevel.v, a, r, g, b ) end for index, obstacle in ipairs(obstacles) do local cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2 = myPhysics:getEntityXForm(obstacle.body) local bevel = transformBevel(obstacle.bevel, cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2) local a, r, g, b = {}, {}, {}, {} local intensity = 200 + math.floor(55 * math.random()) for v=1,bevel.verts do if obstacle.doFlash then a[v] = 255 r[v] = 255 g[v] = 255 b[v] = 255 else a[v] = 255 r[v] = intensity g[v] = 0 b[v] = 0 end end video.renderTriangleListWithNormals( bevel.verts, bevel.tris, bevel.i, bevel.x, bevel.y, bevel.z, bevel.nx, bevel.ny,, bevel.u, bevel.v, a, r, g, b ) end for index, item in ipairs(items) do local cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2 = myPhysics:getEntityXForm(item.body) local bevel = transformBevel(item.bevel, cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2) local a, r, g, b = {}, {}, {}, {} local intensity = 200 + math.floor(55 * math.random()) for v=1,bevel.verts do a[v] = 255 r[v] = intensity g[v] = intensity b[v] = intensity end video.renderTriangleListWithNormals( bevel.verts, bevel.tris, bevel.i, bevel.x, bevel.y, bevel.z, bevel.nx, bevel.ny,, bevel.u, bevel.v, a, r, g, b ) end video.render3dScene() --video.renderSpriteState3d(circleSprite, 0, 0, -0.01, 0, 1.0 / 96.0, false, 255, 255, 0, 0) video.setMaterial(transparentMaterial) for index, obstacle in ipairs(transparent) do if obstacle.activeTimer and obstacle.activeTimer > 0 then local cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2 = myPhysics:getEntityXForm(obstacle.body) local bevel = transformBevel(obstacle.bevel, cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2) local a, r, g, b = {}, {}, {}, {} local intensity = 200 + math.floor(55 * math.random()) for v=1,bevel.verts do a[v] = 128 r[v] = intensity g[v] = intensity b[v] = intensity end video.renderTriangleListWithNormals( bevel.verts, bevel.tris, bevel.i, bevel.x, bevel.y, bevel.z, bevel.nx, bevel.ny,, bevel.u, bevel.v, a, r, g, b ) end end if gameData.gameOver > 0 then if gameData.gameOver == 1 then video.renderText("You won", 400, 300 - 20, 1) elseif gameData.gameOver == 2 then video.renderText("You lost", 400, 300, 1) end video.renderText("Press Ctrl+R to Play Again", 400, 300 + 20, 1) video.renderText("Press Q to Quit", 400, 300 + 30, 1) video.renderText("A Game by Jens Bergensten for Ludum Dare 14", 400, 550, 1) video.renderText("", 400, 565, 1) end end hook.add("frameRender", render) local function mouseClick(x, y, button, clickCount) if button == 0 then elseif button == 1 then end end hook.add("mouseButton", mouseClick) local function keyPressed(key) if key == 81 then -- Q daisy.exitGame() end end hook.add("keyPress", keyPressed)