DrawLine (Harvest)

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harvest.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2[, r, g, b[, a]])

Draws a GUI line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) with the given color.

Parameter Expected Type Description
x1 An integer The starting x coordinate.
y1 An integer The starting y coordinate.
x2 An integer The ending x coordinate.
y2 An integer The ending y coordinate.
a An integer The line color's alpha component, 0 is min and 255 is max.
r An integer The line color's red component, 0 is min and 255 is max.
g An integer The line color's green component, 0 is min and 255 is max.
b An integer The line color's blue component, 0 is min and 255 is max.

Returns nothing.

Harvest Library


   harvest.drawLine(100, 115, 200, 115, 255, 255, 0, 255)
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