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video.renderSpriteState(spriteId, x, y[, scale[, angle[, a, r, g, b [, mirrored]]]])

Renders a sprite at the given screen position.

Parameter Expected Type Description
spriteId An integer The sprite ID.
x A number The x coordinate for the sprite's hotspot.
y A number The y coordinate for the sprite's hotspot.
scale Optional number The scale of the sprite, defaults to 1.0.
angle Optional number The angle (rotation) of the sprite, measured in radians. The sprite will rotate around its hotspot.
a Optional integer The alpha component of the diffuse color. Use this to blend the sprite with the background.
r Optional integer The red pigment of the diffuse color, defaults to 255.
g Optional integer The green pigment of the diffuse color, defaults to 255.
b Optional integer The blue pigment of the diffuse color, defaults to 255.
mirrored Optional boolean Set this to true if you want the image to be flipped.

Returns nothing.

Daisymoon Video Lib


   local a,r,g,b = 255, 255, 255, 255

   if player.isHurt then
      -- tint the player with red color
      g,b = 64, 64

   video.renderSpriteState(player.sprite, player.x, player.y, 1.0, 0, a, r, g, b, player.isFacingLeft)

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