This week in Cobalt #5
January 18th, 2015, Cobalt, Previews, This WeekHit that read more button to see what I have for you today!
We’re back in action!
Hello everyone! Enjoying the new year?
Hit that read more button to see what I have for you today!
Cobalt visits Trunkopia
After 45 years in space, Cobalt has finally reached its destination… Time to go around visiting places and taking pictures of emblematic alien stuff!
Oh, a mission you say? I guess Cobalt can do all at the same time!
I wonder what those things looked like when they were alive…
Cobalt’s first touristic stop are some caves in one of the coldest areas of Trunkopia, where one can admire vestiges of an ancient age.
Just arrived and someone’s already talking about the mission! Cobalt can’t enjoy a bit of touristic sightseeing without being annoyed right away, clearly.
It appears Cobalt was being awaited… some unclear business seems to be happening around the old Trunkopolis human colony, so Cobalt’s personal affairs need to wait.
Cobalt meets some robotic locals
Apparently they don’t seem to enjoy Cobalt’s visit, which is a shame. Maybe they would have been able to show Cobalt around.
The non-robotic locals seem to be a bit nicer
After leaving Trunkopia’s snowy region, Cobalt arrives to a somewhat crowded Mycelian town. In the picture Cobalt can be seen posing next to a famous museum.
However it seems that the locals are having some trouble as well… will Cobalt ever be able to relax for a bit?
Inside the old base and the caves
After leaving the town, Cobalt encounters some sort of abandoned base. It seems that the base is also the entrance to a small cave system, home to the baddies who attacked the Mycelian town.
Their building style is quite unique, so Cobalt decides to take a picture of it as well.
After some time spent shooting, rolling and collecting loot, it looks like Cobalt is about to reach the heart of the base…
While running around, Cobalt encounters some prison cells. Apparently some fellow mycelians were captured, and they tell agent Cobalt that some time ago the baddies that live here used to trade robot parts for prisoners. What would they even use those for?
After finding a secret exit, Cobalt finds itself bouncing from wall to wall, the plants making it almost impossible to progress forward…
At the same time, it seems like there’s noise coming from the other end of the cave. Something important is waiting, Cobalt can feel it.
What will Cobalt encounter at the other end of the cave?
See you next time!
January 18th, 2015 at 7:01 pm
On the end of the cave you say?
I bet it’s somekind of cyriak’s malformed robots …
January 18th, 2015 at 7:44 pm
Very interesting happenings. What could there be in the end?
January 18th, 2015 at 10:54 pm
@The guy: wow, that video is quite impressive
Maybe malformed robots, maybe not… one way to find out!
January 18th, 2015 at 11:19 pm
I already cannot wait for the next post! And to discover what is on the other side of the cave…
January 19th, 2015 at 1:21 am
Thank you for doing these updates, I’m excited for this game and definitely am awaiting release, unless I decide I can’t wait and purchase the alpha. Lol don’t worry if you don’t have an answer but do you have any idea whether there will be any more live streams? Thank you
January 19th, 2015 at 12:57 pm
You should purchase the alpha, since it’s cheaper and you can play right away
Unless you really don’t know if you really want to play the game yet! (but you should!)
About the streams, I myself can’t stream, but I try to upload videos to my channel once in a while
The devs haven’t told me anything about streaming right now, sorry!
January 19th, 2015 at 4:00 pm
just giff me the update
January 24th, 2015 at 2:48 am
Thank You janeator! Yes I found your channel earlier and will be watching every single video, thanks for replying!
February 4th, 2015 at 6:43 pm
Cool stuff! Any news on the next update?
February 6th, 2015 at 3:44 pm
No sorry, I have no more news for now ^^
February 8th, 2015 at 3:08 am
It’s Spartans hiding at the end I tell you!
February 8th, 2015 at 3:08 am
Here be dragon….
February 14th, 2015 at 6:39 pm
Do you have an idea of how long it’s going to take from now to having the finished game of Cobalt?